Lihle's not-so-secret diary turns 1!

Hey Bouquet! So, I was going through all the blog posts I've ever published and got to the very first one only to realise that it was published a year ago, on the twenty second of June. For some odd reason, I thought I started my blog sometime in August last year but here we are.

Last year was an emotional rollercoaster for me and my blog is one of the very few things that kept me sane. Reading through it from time to time really brought me so much joy and made me feel accomplished. This has made me realise how important it is to hold onto things that make you happy. Sometimes life doesn't make sense and escaping is the only thing that can keep us going.

Thank you so much for reading my blog posts, sending me messages on social media and sharing my posts with other people. I'm truly grateful for all the support, despite my inconsistency. I really appreciate how something I started as a personal journal actually became a community and a not-so-secret diary. Thank you.

Connect with me:
Twitter: @sijabulile__
Pinterest: @lihlendlovux


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