7 Life Lessons I've learned this year
Hey Bouquet! I hope you're all well and geared up for the new month. With 2019 coming to an end, I thought it would be fit for me to publish a post with seven life lessons that I've leaned this year. Some of these lessons are things that I was aware of but never paid much mind to. I hope you enjoy this blog post.
1. Life is way too unpredictable to want to be in control
As a perfectionist, I always plan ahead in order to avoid hiccups. However, things don't always go as planned since life is unpredictable. This is why I've learned to accept that it's okay not to be in control of life situations.
The future, according to the Oxford dictionary is: "the time that will come; what is going to happen." From this definition, it's important to note that "what will happen" or "what is going to happen" isn't specified. This means that it's unknown which makes stressing about it pointless.
Also, I'm working on my perfectionism. Perfectionism is a lot of work which usually results in disappointment. Humans aren't perfect so perfection should be a foreign concept to us.
2. Consistency is key
Whether it's skin care or workout routines, consistency is key. Consistency helps you learn routines which makes life a lot easier in my opinion. I've also found consistency helpful when it comes to blogging. When I started off, using the Blogger app was a bit challenging for me since I'm not the most technologically smart person. However, constantly writing posts and using different features on the app has helped me get the hang of it.
Consistency also makes it easier for you to keep track of your progress. For example, sticking to a workout routine that has a time constraint, or taking part in a workout challenge makes it easier to see whether the routine is working for you or not.
Fun fact: it takes twenty one days to form a habit. Start today!
3. Gratitude
With people living the life on social media, it's easy to start comparing your life to theirs and forget about how blessed you are to have the things you do. Matter of fact, how blessed you are to be alive. Sure, life sucks sometimes but things could be much worse.
I've learned to be grateful for everything. From having a roof over my head and having food to eat, to having running water, hot and cold. Gratitude has made me content since I always focus what I have instead of what I want.
A grateful heart is a magnet of miracles.
4. It's okay to live a life that other people don't understand
I've spent so much of my life explaining myself. From my life choices to my beliefs. This year has taught me to feel pressured to live a life that other people understand. Apart from us all being on different paths, I've also learned that it's not my duty to make people understand my life choices.
You don't owe anyone any explanations
Living a life that other people might not understand has also made me realise that I don't owe anyone any explanations. This also means that I have a right to refuse to explain myself if I don't want to.
5. It is okay to change your opinions about things based on new information
2019 has been a year of immense mental, emotional and spiritual growth for me. I've changed my mind and opinions about so many things ranging from social issues to what I want from my future. I don't think change is a bad thing if it makes one happy. What is a bad thing in my opinion is holding on to opinions and beliefs that are no longer in alignment with the person you've evolved into.
You say I've changed like it's a bad thing.
6. Just bloom wherever you are
I published a post about the importance of being happy with where you are and I think it's the most important lesson I've learned this year. For most of my life, I've been putting off my happiness for later. Later when things are going my way or later when things aren't as bad as they are now. This year has taught me that later never comes. There will never be a time when things are all rosy and perfect. Life happens which is why nothing is guaranteed.
Instead of waiting for a miracle to happen, just make the decision to be happy right now. Be happy that you're still on this earth and thus still have a chance to make a difference in the world.
7. Own race, own lane, own pace
I know it sounds cliché but it has so much truth to it. I've always known this quote and thought I fully understood it until this year. Understanding that you're in your own race, in your own land and are allowed to move at your own pace is very important. It frees you from unnecessary societal pressure and makes it easier for you to make decisions based on your own what's best for your well-being.
What your peers or family members are doing in their lives has nothing to do with you. We're all on different paths and no one knows what's better for us than we do.
I've learned so many other things this year, especially about myself. These are the ones I've found most helpful though. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Feel free to share with me some of the things you've learned this year.
Remember, it's not too late to make this year your year to shine. It's not over until the first of January 2020. Take care.
Connect with me:
Email: info.lihlendlovu@gmail.com
Twitter: @sijabulile__
Pinterest: @lihlendlovux
Twitter: @sijabulile__
Pinterest: @lihlendlovux
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